Here at Greater Minds, we want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase. If you are experiencing any difficulties or struggling with any part of your program, please let us know as we are here to support you on your journey. However, we completely understand that our programs may not be for everyone, and that's okay too. 

If you did not achieve the results or experience you were looking for, you are covered by our money-back guarantee. 

Depending on the product, the money-back guarantee covers you for a period of time.

If you are unsure, look up your product here to check that you are covered before proceeding.

In order to request a refund, please complete a personalized refund form, which you can receive via our Customer Happiness Team. 

Please note any refund claims made after the money-back guarantee period will not be accepted. After this time transactions are non-refundable.

After we've processed the refund for you, you will receive an email from our payment system to confirm this. 

To submit your refund request:

  1. Please visit the following link:
  2. Enter your email address (the same one you used to make a purchase), Summarize your request (I'd like a refund), Then choose: Orders/Payments/Refunds from the "What is your question about?" drop-down menu and finally please tell us your full name and the name of the product you purchased in the large text box.
  3. Then click "Submit"
  4. A member of our Customer Service Team will send you a personalized link which will enable you to complete your request.
  5. This link will direct you to a form which must be completed and submitted in order for your refund request to be processed.